Agent Resources

How to motivate your team

Despite people's perceptions, team motivation does not simply come down to financial rewards. There are a number of factors that can encourage your team to give their best efforts, ranging from tangible gifts to opportunities for self-development. By following these top tips on how to keep your team motivated, you will create an enthusiastic, goal-oriented team, that will work together to make your agency really perform.

Should I give my staff money or gifts?

Many companies opt for the reward approach, setting up targets to be met and offering drinks, money or even holidays in return. While this is something that can really excite your workers, it is also quite costly and can lead to jealousy in the workplace. You cannot start introducing attractive packages, bonuses and giveaways, only to then abolish them after a few months. Ensure that you are integrating a fair system. You want to avoid making big gestures that can't be accessed by all staff. For instance, if you set a particular target that can only be reached by a select few members of the team, this is going to cause some bad feeling among the rest of the team. You may also wish to consider pay rises in line with certain milestones.

Is it enough to simply provide them with a livelihood?

It goes without saying that the environment we work in is what keeps us coming into work every day. It really is as simple as that. By offering your employees a pleasant place to work, you will be contributing to their job satisfaction. Encourage collaboration within the team by seating those who work well together next to one another. Encourage staff to put forward their own ideas and suggestions as to how their environment could be made a better place for them to work. You might wish to consider things like music in the office and dress down days, but do think about whether this conveys the right image to your clients before agreeing to anything.

Other ways to motivate a team

One of the main ways to motivate your staff is to provide them with opportunities for self-development. Hearing from you that they are a valued member of the team and that you wish for them to stay on and progress is an aspect of motivation that is so often underrated. You may have young workers who aren't sure about their career path and are in need of some guidance. By encouraging them to attend training and to develop in their role, you could be changing their work ethics entirely and the way they perceive work.

The bottom line is that motivating your team means paying them what they are worth. Whether this be in the form of a bonus, a voucher, a treat excursion or simply words of wisdom, you know you team well enough to decide which solution is right for them.


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