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Avoiding moving day nightmares, Removals

You will no doubt have mixed emotions on moving day. On the one hand, you will probably be filled with enthusiasm and excitement about embarking on a new stage of your life. On the other hand, it's highly likely that you will be feeling nostalgic about your old home and everything it has meant to you and your family. It's fair to say that you will also be experiencing some trepidation about your new adventure. Certainly, moving house is often listed in psychology studies as being one of the most stressful life events experienced. While some bumps in the road are inevitable, there are several things you should try to do, to stop moving day descending into a nightmare. In this guide, we look at some of these suggestions.

1. Be organised

This isn't the day for too much spontaneity or "winging it". In the days leading up to the big move, write a comprehensive list of everything you will need to do, ideally incorporating a timetable or schedule of when each item must be completed. This list will vary from household to household, but a few of the basic things for inclusion on everyone's list are:

- Take your final meter readings
- Pack last minute items such as your final night's bedding and towels, toiletries, and appliances used for breakfast such as kettles and toasters
- Check sheds and outhouses, as well as cupboards and closets indoors to make sure you haven't inadvertently left anything lying around
- Check you have cancelled services such as milk and newspaper delivery
- Clean the bathroom and kitchen ready for the new occupants as a courtesy
- Have ready cash and bank cards, so you can cope with any contingency that might arise
- Have an 'essentials box' filled and ready (see later suggestion)
- Make sure children and pets are taken care of and occupied during what can be a traumatic and hectic day
- Have a sensible breakfast or brunch, in case the rest of the day's meals are disrupted
- Make sure your mobile phone is charged so that movers and others can keep in touch with you
- Make sure your car is filled with petrol

Other items, of course, are sure to occur to you as you approach moving day.

2. Engage a reliable moving service

There's probably no way to completely avoid stress on moving day, but you can dramatically improve the odds of having a smooth move, by employing the services of a reputable removal service. While this will involve an outlay of cash, it means that the moving process is executed by experienced professionals who can advise you on packing (and sometimes do the packing for you!) and on unpacking at the other end. They will usually supply excellent packing materials to make sure your precious belongings arrive at their destination safely and securely. Equally, if your moving day needs involve dispatching your possessions to different locations or if you have other special requirements, most removal companies offer a bespoke service to accommodate your specific needs.

It's crucial to shop around when seeking a removal service. Not only is there the potential to save vital cash, but you will want to make sure that the service you ultimately employ has great testimonials from former clients and, critically, that the firm has adequate insurance cover for the unlikely event that there is an accident or your belongings are otherwise damaged.

You will no doubt be spending rather a lot of time with the removals personnel on moving day so it's a great idea to have a chat with them before the move so you and they are familiar with what needs doing and the communication lines are open to deal with the unexpected.

3. Child and pet care

As stressful as moving day can be for the grown-ups, it is much worse for small children and pets. If at all possible, it is helpful to have friends or relatives take care of them, so that they aren't caught up in the move and don't make their own inimitable contribution to what can seem like chaos.

If this isn't possible, try to explain fully what is happening and give children a project to undertake in their corner of the house, preferably out of the way of the removal men! Older children can be given something practical to do, such as packing the 'essentials box' or taking care of any pets, while younger children can be given a book or paper and crayons to entertain them while the adults are otherwise occupied.

A final note in this topic: if your pet is travelling with you to your new home, make sure it is put in a basket or cage quite early in the day. This is partly to calm it down and partly for your peace of mind: in researching this piece, we came across countless tales of family moggies making a dash for freedom on moving day and their owners spending hours looking for them!

4. Pack an 'essentials box'

While moving day will probably pass smoothly and uneventfully, it's well worth packing a box of essentials to carry with you in the car, just in case there are delays or unexpected hiccups. What you pack is very much a matter for your own judgement, but typical contents include:

- Torch with batteries
- First aid kit and any prescription medications
- Basic toiletries and hygiene supplies
- Bottled water and UHT milk
- Travel kettle
- Tea, coffee, squash
- Cutlery and implements like can opener and bottle opener
- Plates and cups
- Enough canned food, bread and fruit for two quick meals. Don't forget Fido's supplies!
- Toys for small children and pets

Again, depending on your family circumstances, you may insert new essentials or ignore some of our suggestions.

Visit the team at Nethouseprices again soon, for more tips and suggestions. As well as guides to the moving process and buying and selling houses, we monitor the property news daily for any commercial or political developments that may affect you, your family, your investments or your business. We hope you make these pages a regular part of your reading.

Source: Nethouseprices

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