Agent Resources

How to manage your time effectively

Estate agents generally work a 35 to 40 hour week, although unsocial hours, weekend work and evening viewings are a must in most roles. With so much going on, it is important that employees know how to manage their time effectively. Here are a few suggestions which could help to make all of that hard work pay off.

Plan your time

Stress and anxiety have a negative impact on productivity so don't think about the totality of your to do list other than to prioritise the tasks. Once you have distinguished the more important jobs, be sure to work on these first (no matter how quick and simple the others are!) and eliminate any non-essential tasks. You might also find it useful to have a break between tasks in order to appreciate what you have just completed. Though much of your weekend is spent in the office, try to use weekends to plan for the week ahead. Even if it means spending 15 minutes of your day off catching up with someone at work, this could really help you get your head around what is going on in the office before you walk in the door on Monday morning.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Being fit and healthy not only helps your body to stay in good shape, it also keeps your brain on good form. Though it may not be obvious to you, your sleeping habits will have a huge effect on your alertness in the office, so make sure that you get a good night's sleep every work night. Experts recommend that adults get between 7 and 8 hours of solid sleep per night. Resting your body and brain will enable you to function much better throughout the day, but may also have an affect on your mood. As with sleep, exercise and healthy eating are vital in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Rather than buying a sandwich from the shop or bakery, why not prepare yourself a light meal, using fresh ingredients, the night before?

Take a positive approach

Last but not least, being positive about work is essential in performing well in your role. Start off your day on the right note by getting up with plenty of time to spare and getting to the office a little bit early. This means that you won't be thrown into the hustle and bustle of the office from the moment you enter and you’ll have a few moments to gather your thoughts. Some everyday jobs can seem quite mundane but by turning these key tasks into habits, you can change the way you perceive them. Finally, ensure that you take the time, no matter how busy you are, to share fun moments with your colleagues. Estate agency offices can be hectic and time is often pressured, but you are less likely to be productive if you don't enjoy the work you do or like the people you work with.


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